Privacy policy

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This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter, the Website), which is owned by ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD, S.A.U. (hereinafter, the WEBSITE OWNER).
Pursuant to the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the WEBSITE OWNER states that:
Its corporate name is: ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD, S.A.U.
Its commercial name is: ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD, S.A.U.
Its Tax Identification Number is: A41990490
Its registered office is at: AVDA THOMAS ALBA EDISON, 4 PCT CARTUJA, 41092 SEVILLA (SPAIN)
Registration in the Companies Registry of Seville: VOLUME 2930, FOLIO 21, SHEET SE-37807
If you wish to contact us, you may do so through the various means of contact detailed below:
- Telephone: +34 954467050
- Email:
All notices and communications between Users and the WEBSITE OWNER will be considered effective for all purposes when they are carried out via postal mail or via any other means detailed above.
Gaining access to and/or using this portal belonging to the WEBSITE OWNER, who created the Website, grants the status of USER, and by accessing and/or using this portal the User is deemed to have accepted the General Terms and Conditions of Use set forth herein. These Terms and Conditions shall apply regardless of the General Terms and Conditions of Contract which in their case are mandatory.
Access to the Website and its services is free of charge and open; however, the WEBSITE OWNER restricts the use of some of the services offered on its Website to Users who have previously filled out the corresponding form in order to become a User of the portal.
The User guarantees that the data provided to the WEBSITE OWNER are authentic and up to date, and the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements he/she makes.
Specifically, you agree not to use the contents and services of ATN for, among others:
a) Spread content which may be deemed criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, justifies terrorism or, in general, is contrary to law or public order.
b) Introduce computer viruses or any action which may alter, damage, interrupt or generate errors in or damage digital documents, data or physical and logical systems belonging to ATN or third parties; as well as hindering the access of other users to the website and its services through mass consumption of computing resources offered by ATN.
c) Try to access the email accounts of other users or restricted areas of computer systems belonging to ATN or third parties and, if applicable, extract any information.
d) Violate the rights of intellectual property and violate the confidentiality of information belonging to ATN or any third party.
e) Impersonating another user, a public administration or any third party.
f) Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless you have obtained the authorization of the holder of these rights or it is permitted by law.
g) Collect data for advertising purposes and to transmit any kind of advertising and communications for purposes of sale or other commercial purpose without prior request or consent. Services and information provided hereunder may be subject to regulation by local laws, which prohibit export, re-export or diversion of certain content or information about content to certain countries and certain companies or persons. You agree that you will not export or re-export this information or services in any manner.
The WEBSITE OWNER wishes to inform its Website Users and customers about the policy pursued with regard to the processing and protection of personal data of people who voluntarily use the contact forms to contact the WEBSITE OWNER, as well as those who access its Website, which entails the communication of their personal data to the WEBSITE OWNER.
A.- Identification of the data controller
The WEBSITE OWNER, with Tax Identification Number A41990490, informs Website Users and customers of the existence of an automated log of activities and personal data that is stored in a file called CUSTOMERS, where personal data of Users and customers are collected in order to manage their requests.
B.- Updating policies
The WEBSITE OWNER will modify this Privacy Policy whenever necessary and without prior notice, in order to adapt it to any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudence or administrative changes, or with the aim of adapting the policy to instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, or for any other legitimate purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any changes to this policy shall be published and notified on the WEBSITE OWNERs Website.
For the above reasons, the WEBSITE OWNER recommends that Users should read these policies regularly, in order to be aware of any changes made to them.
C.- Purpose of the activity log
The WEBSITE OWNER does not request any data from websurfers that visit the Website other than identifying data. Therefore, the communication of personal data by the User to the WEBSITE OWNER through the Website can only be understood to take place when Users voluntarily use the contact form or other means to communicate with the WEBSITE OWNER, as in these cases the processing of data is inevitable and implicit to the communication system. For these cases, and those described in the next section, the entity informs the customer that the processing of data is carried out with the following purposes: to carry out all tasks related to the creation of quotes, recruitment and provision of services by the WEBSITE OWNER for the company it belongs to or, where appropriate, for the interested party that requests it; and to attend to and answer received communications and commercial prospecting, in order to keep Users informed of any developments.
D.- Consent
When the User does not maintain business relations with the WEBSITE OWNER, and he/she sends an email or other communication to the WEBSITE OWNER containing personal data, this User shall be giving his/her free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for the processing of his/her personal data by the WEBSITE OWNER, for the purposes set out above, as well as to attend to the communication or send documentation.
To the same effect, the WEBSITE OWNER states that, if a customer sends an email or other communication to the WEBSITE OWNER containing personal data due to the position he/she occupies in a company, whether that be as an administrator, manager, representative and/or any other role that involves being the companys contact person, it will be understood that this communication implies giving free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for the processing of his/her personal data by the WEBSITE OWNER, for the purposes set out above.
E.- Identification of the recipients to whom the WEBSITE OWNER shall transfer data, or allow access to data by third parties.
The WEBSITE OWNER will only transfer or communicate data in cases where Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter GDPR), specifies this should occur in order to meet its obligations with government authorities, entities or persons directly related with the WEBSITE OWNER, in cases where this is required in accordance with current applicable legislation at any given time.
In addition, the WEBSITE OWNER informs the User that for any other transfer of data that must be carried out, the User shall be notified when this is required by the GDPR, informing him/her expressly, precisely and unequivocally of the recipients of the information, the purpose for which the data will be used and the nature of the data transferred. Where appropriate, and when so required by the GDPR, the Users unambiguous, specific and informed consent will be previously requested.
However, the WEBSITE OWNER informs the User and the customer that any processing of personal data is subject to current Spanish legislation on data protection, laid down by the GDPR and its supplementary and implementation provisions. In this regard, the WEBSITE OWNER is only responsible for and only guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data it requests from the User through the Website.
F.- Status of the data
The WEBSITE OWNER warns the User that, except in cases of legally established representation, no User may use the identity of another person or communicate another persons personal data. The User should therefore always bear in mind that he/she can only include personal data that correspond to his/her own identity and are appropriate, relevant, up to date, accurate and true. To this effect, the User shall be solely liable for any direct and/or indirect damage cause to third parties or to the WEBSITE OWNER from the use of another persons personal data, or his/her own data when these are false, inaccurate, not up to date, inappropriate or irrelevant. Likewise, any User who uses the personal data of a third party shall be liable for the information obligation established by the GDPR in cases where personal data have not been obtained from the data subject and/or the consequences of not having informed the data subject.
G.- Exercising the rights of access, rectification, restriction of processing, portability, cancellation, opposition to processing and suppression of data
The WEBSITE OWNER informs the User of the possibility of exercising his/her rights of access, rectification, restriction of processing, portability, opposition to processing and suppression of data, as well as the right to file a complaint with the Controlling Authority by sending a letter to the WEBSITE OWNER using the following address: AVDA THOMAS ALBA EDISON, 4 PCT CARTUJA, 41092 SEVILLA (SPAIN).
H.- Use of forms to collect personal data
When filling out the contact forms on the Website which collect personal data, the User must expressly give his/her consent prior to their submission, and accept and confirm knowledge of the Privacy Policy, by checking the I have read and accept the privacy policy box. The User can access the Privacy Policy by clicking on the link that will be attached to this Legal Notice. If the box is not checked by the User, the data contained in these forms shall not be sent.
I.- Security measures adopted with regard to the processing of personal data
The WEBSITE OWNER informs the User that, in accordance with the GDPR, it has adopted the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of personal data and avoid their alteration, loss, or unauthorized processing or access, given the current state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed. Similarly, the WEBSITE OWNER guarantees the User that it shall fulfil the duty of professional secrecy regarding the Users personal data, as well as the duty to safeguard this data.
In accordance with current legislation regulating intellectual property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including by means of making it available, of all or part of the content of this Website is expressly prohibited, including any text, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, and software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, for commercial purposes and by any technical means, without the WEBSITE OWNERs authorisation.
All contents of the Website constitute works that belong to the WEBSITE OWNER, and no rights to their use can be understood to be transferred to the User beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Website.
Therefore, Users who access this Website may view the contents and make authorised private copies, where relevant, provided that the copied elements are not later transferred to third parties, installed on servers connected to networks, or become subject to any type of commercial use.
In addition, all trademarks, commercial names or any other kind of distinctive signs that appear on the Website are the property of the WEBSITE OWNER, and use or access to them by the User does not grant the User any rights over them.
Establishing a hyperlink does not in any case imply the existence of relations between the WEBSITE OWNER and the owners of the website the link has been established with, nor does it imply the WEBSITE OWNERs acceptance or approval of that websites contents or services. Anyone who intends to establish a hyperlink must previously request written authorisation from the WEBSITE OWNER. In all cases, the hyperlink will only allow access to the Websites home page. In addition, it must refrain from making false, inexact or incorrect declarations or statements regarding the WEBSITE OWNER, or including any content that is illegal or goes against principles of morality and public order.
The WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible for any use a User may give to the materials provided on this Website, nor for any action a User may carry out based on them.
The content of this Website is of a general nature, and is for informational purposes only, and WEBSITE OWNER does not fully guarantee access to all contents, nor the completeness, correctness, validity or currentness of the content, nor its suitability or utility for a specific objective.
The WEBSITE OWNER excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind arising from:
a) An inability to access the Website, or the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and/or currentness of its contents, as well as the existence of faults or defects of any type in the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, or accessed through the Website, or in the services offered.
b) The presence of viruses or other elements in the contents that could cause disruptions to the Users computer systems, electronic documents or data.
c) The breach of laws, good faith, public order, conventional business dealings and this Legal Notice as a consequence of the incorrect use of the Website. Solely by way of a non-limiting example, the WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible for third-party actions that infringe on intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, or rights to honour, personal and family privacy, and reputation, or regulations on unfair competition and illegal advertising.
The WEBSITE OWNER may make changes to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein at any time, with any modifications being duly posted here. The period these Terms and Conditions are in force shall depend on the period of time they are displayed, and they shall remain in force until they are amended by other conditions, which shall be duly posted
The WEBSITE OWNER accepts no responsibility for any information outside this Website that is not managed directly by our webmaster. The purpose of any links that appear on this Website is exclusively to inform the User about the existence of other sources likely to expand the contents offered by this Website. The WEBSITE OWNER does not guarantee and is not liable for the operation or accessibility of the linked sites. The WEBSITE OWNER does not suggest, invite or recommend visiting the linked sites, and is therefore not responsible for the results obtained. The WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible for any hyperlinks established by third parties.
The WEBSITE OWNER reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered to any Users who fail to fulfil these General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Portal on its own initiative or on the request of a third party, without the need to give any prior notice thereof.
In the event that any User or third party considers that there are events or circumstances that disclose the illegal nature of the use of any content and/or the undertaking of any activity on the websites included or accessible through the Website, he/she should send a notification to the WEBSITE OWNER, duly identifying himself/herself, specifying the alleged infractions and expressly declaring under his/her own responsibility that the information provided in the notification is accurate.
The administrative information provided through the Website does not replace the legal publication of laws, regulations, plans, general provisions and acts that have been formally published in the official journals of government authorities, which are the only instruments that certify the authenticity and content thereof. The information available on this Website should therefore merely be seen as a guide.
These terms and conditions will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation for all matters not expressly established herein. The provider and the User agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of the products and services that are the object of these Terms and Conditions to the Courts and Tribunals of the Users domicile.
In the event that the Users domicile is located outside Spain, the provider and the User submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of the WEBSITE OWNERs domicile, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.